Global business activities in light of the impacts of the economic recession

Peter Kuzmišin


The paper focuses on the impacts of the economic recession in 2008-2009, which resulted in significant losses in manufacturing, investments, foreign trade and led to a major rise in unemployment and decrease in the standard of living. Based on the assumptions about the growth of global economy, the attention is paid to the activities of business sphere in the area of investments in terms of the Index of investor confidence published in 2010. As the main motive for investments in the forthcoming future, the security of investments has been identified. The turning point is expected to occur in 2011. Nowadays, there is rather a climate of “suspended investments” due to both the insecurity on the markets and problems with acquiring credits.


ECFIN: Economic Forecast Spring (2010), Luxembourg: European Commission, Directorate General ECFIN – Economic and Financial Affairs, European Economy 2/ 2010(b).

Global Market Consultant (2010): Retrieved 15 October 2010, from IMF: World Economic Outlook (2010). Washington D.C., International Monetary Fund 2010. ISBN 978-1-58906-915-2.

Kuzmišinová, V. (2009), Podniky – univerzity – samospráva (regióny), Košice: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Ekonomická fakulta, ISBN 978-80-553-0297-3.

OECD (2010), OECD Economic Outlook 2010, No. 87, Paris: OECD, ISBN 978-92-64-08521-3.


Peter Kuzmišin (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Peter Kuzmišin, Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Economics

Assoc. Prof. Peter Kuzmišin, DrSc., Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Economics
Kuzmišin, P. (2011). Global business activities in light of the impacts of the economic recession. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 14(1-2), 9–19.
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