Contribution to Quality of Air Traffic Due to Reduction of Gaseous Emissions

Alena Pauliková, Melichar Kopas


There are described basic principles of jet engine construction and operation in the presented paper, taking into consideration question of gaseous emissions produced in exhaust gases of turbojet engines. The innovative aircraft jet engines are the most important power units of modern planes nowadays and therefore it is necessary to analyse their environmental impacts, with regard to quality of living environment. This paper integrates technical and environmental factors of up-to-date jet engines. It demonstrates an important fact that modern airplanes equipped by sophisticated turbo-jet engines are environment friendly with regard to reduced amount of pollutants in their exhaust gases.


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Alena Pauliková (Primary Contact)
Melichar Kopas
Pauliková, A., & Kopas, M. (2011). Contribution to Quality of Air Traffic Due to Reduction of Gaseous Emissions. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 15(2), 31–37.
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