Multicriteria Tools for the Implementation of Historic Urban Landscape

Antonia Gravagnuolo (1), Luigi Fusco Girard (2)
(1) University of Naples Federico II, Italy,
(2) University of Naples Federico II, Italy


Purpose: The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and critical outlook of current evaluation tools for the implementation of the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) approach, focusing on the need of multidimensional / multistakeholder evaluation and impact assessment to turn heritage / landscape into a driver of sustainable development.

Methodology/Approach: We analyse the definition of Historic Urban Landscape comparing the thoretical mandate to current tools / practices. Based on literature review and critical analysis of recent experiences, we identify indicators categories and evaluation methods that can be applied for a reacher cost-benefit analysis.

Findings: Indicators and evaluation methods for multidmensional impact assessment of conservation / regeneration are not applied in HUL recent initiatives and guidelines. Evaluation tools can be developed and tested to inform decision-making processes and to turn the cultural value of heritage / landscape into a resource able to attract investments. A framework for HUL impact assessment can be structured including wellbeing indicators and stakeholders analysis.

Research Limitation/implication: New hybrid tools are proposed, providing a possible toolkit for evaluation. However, it needs further testing and implementation.

Originality/Value of paper: This paper contributes to bridging the gap between the theoretical approach of the Historic Urban Landscape and its operative practice. The HUL approach has been generally acquired in the theoretical research, but its implementation is still sporadic, and unframed into urban regeneration policies. Evaluation tools are not incorporated in the HUL practices. This paper aims to advance the existing knowledge on evaluation tools to make operational the HUL approach.

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Antonia Gravagnuolo (Primary Contact)
Luigi Fusco Girard
Gravagnuolo, A., & Girard, L. F. (2017). Multicriteria Tools for the Implementation of Historic Urban Landscape. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(1), 186–201.

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