Management of Organizational Culture in the Public Institutions of Ecuador Educational Sector

Mayra Mercedes Marcillo Indacochea, Raúl Ricardo Fernández Concepción, Angie Fernández Lorenzo


Purpose: The current study has, as its fundamental objective, the conceptual analysis of organizational culture management models that could be applied in public institutions of the education sector, as well as on management models of the organizational culture mainly those aimed at providing customer services in this sector.

Methodology/Approach: It was made an analysis of the main models that exist, and the possibility of adapting them to public institutions in the educational sector, which will improve the management of the organizational culture, according to processes that take place within them.

Findings: The non-existence of organizational culture management models aimed at providing customer services in public institutions of the educational sector was identified, as well as the complexity of applying other models of organizational culture management in institutions of the sector referred to from the gaps that they present.

Research Limitation/implication: The analyzed models are directed to private and public companies, they do not present methodological frameworks of action beyond the elaboration of business strategies, that allow to be applied directly in organizations with academic aims.

Originality/Value of paper: The document was based on the literary review of management of the organizational culture, in which it was detected that the models studied are aimed at companies, being complex their adaptation for institutions of the educational sector. No references were found about management models of the organizational culture focused on the provision of services to the client, which brings novelty to future research.


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Mayra Mercedes Marcillo Indacochea
Raúl Ricardo Fernández Concepción
Angie Fernández Lorenzo (Primary Contact)
Marcillo Indacochea, M. M., Fernández Concepción, R. R., & Lorenzo, A. F. (2018). Management of Organizational Culture in the Public Institutions of Ecuador Educational Sector. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 22(1), 44–57.
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