TRIZ and Lean Philosophies Applied Together in Management Activities

Teresa L.M. Morgado (1), Jorge Sandiães (2), Helena V.G. Navas (3)
(1) Polythecnic Institute of Tomar UNIDEMI/FCTNOVA CIC-LNEC, Portugal,
(2) DEMI/FCTNOVA, Portugal,


Purpose: In the current market, the Portuguese industry faces strong competition from countries with substantially lower operating costs. The agri-food industry is also subject to increasing competition, both nationally and internationally. The utilization of methodologies that, in addition to continuous improvement, provide the development of creative and innovative solutions may be relevant for highlighting and differentiating between organizations. In this work, Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach and Lean Philosophies have been implemented together. Methodologies as Matrix of Ideality Matrix of Contradiction, Single Minute Exchange of Die, 5S and the Substance-Field analyses were used as complementary tools to improve the production management activities of agri-food sector. Strongly focused on the issues of time wastage and the organization and management of the filling line, the implementation of these methodologies led to a reduction of setup times, of the operators’ movement and an improvement in the line’s management and organization, and improve the results of 5S audits, depending on the work station. The aims of this study is the implementation of diferent methodologies, philosophies and tools to improve management activities.

Methodology/Approach: The methodology presented in this work involves using Lean and TRIZ methodologies together. Namely Matrix of Ideality, the Matrix of Contradictions, SMED, 5S and the Substance-Field Analysis, were used to optimize the management activities, in agro-food industrial sector. The methodology strongly focused on the issues of time wastage, organization and management of an filling line.

Findings: The implementation of methodologies led to a reduction of setup times by 60% to 70%, a reduction of the operators’ movement during format changes by 26.2%, and an improvement in the line’s management and organization by 9% to 12%, depending on the work station.

Research Limitation/implication: In the management activities, the results are not universal. Therefore, the same methodology applied in another industrial sector will present differents results. Nevertheless, the application of this methodology and the tools choosen only make sense if it facilitates the management of improvements.

Originality/Value of paper: There is a need and demand for innovative solutions that lead to continuous improvement, production processes optimization and resource saving. The combination of different validated methologies, with new concrete studies, is always in scientific and technical interest and continuously sought-after (demanded, welcome) by academic and industrial sectors.

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Teresa L.M. Morgado (Primary Contact)
Jorge Sandiães
Helena V.G. Navas
Morgado, T. L., Sandiães, J., & Navas, H. V. (2019). TRIZ and Lean Philosophies Applied Together in Management Activities. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(3), 90–102.

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