Service-Led Model for the Activation of Smart TV: Case Study in Korea

Insu Cho (1), Jong H. Lee (2), Young H. Kwak (3)
(1) Sun Moon University, Korea, Republic of,
(2) Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of,
(3) The George Washington University, United States


Purpose: This study explores the characteristics of STV service to empirically examine effects of the services on adoption and usage of STV to lead sustained growth of the STV industry.

Methodology/Approach: This study employs structural equation modeling as a quantitative approach, to examine causal relationships between service characteristics and user intentions. The survey collects 212 data only from actual users of STV, who have experienced STV functions or services, in South Korea.

Findings: The results of service-oriented model based on extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) indicate that ‘interactivity’, ‘content quality’, and ‘simplicity’ as service characteristics influence intention to use STV.

Research Limitation/implication: First, the STV industry should establish a distribution structure that generates sufficient profits for content providers as done in Smartphone market. Second, Services of STV should be provided to allow two-way communication and to allow users to engage in active interactions with other users.

Originality/Value of paper: This study makes contributions to research on both new products and service adoption by providing richer explanations of the mechanisms acting on the actual use of STV. Given that STV is considered a key appliance for the next generation of social media and smart appliance, our findings offer new directions on how to realize high quality services in the STV industry.

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Insu Cho
Jong H. Lee (Primary Contact)
Young H. Kwak
Author Biographies

Insu Cho, Sun Moon University

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Sun Moon University, Republic of Korea, e-mail:

Jong H. Lee, Yonsei University

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, e-mail: , Tel: +82 2 2123 7776

Young H. Kwak, The George Washington University

Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, The George Washington University, USA, e-mail:
Cho, I., Lee, J. H., & Kwak, Y. H. (2019). Service-Led Model for the Activation of Smart TV: Case Study in Korea. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(3), 55–73.

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