Degree of Standardization and Innovation Capability Dimensions as Driving Forces for Innovation Performance
Purpose: In 2019, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the first international Management Standard (MS) for innovation management, the ISO 56002:2019, following previous successful MS as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Within this framework, this paper discusses the relationship between the implementation of MS and the Innovation capabilities (IC) and Innovation Performance (IP) the company. In other words, the article analyses whether the greater degree of standardization (DS) in firms, combined with some IC dimensions, positively influence the IP of firms.
Methodology/Approach: As the number of ISO 56002 implementations is still not very high and it is not certifiable yet, a survey has been carried out considering the spanish certifiable homologue standard UNE 166002 combined with other ISO standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO-TS 16949, OHSAS 18001 and/or others. The suvey has been responded by 73 certified companies; and a further fuzzy set Qualitative Analysis (fsQCA) has been performed.
Findings: The paper confirms that at least three main dimensions of IC influence positively the IP, namely: strategy, market, and structure and network. It is also confirmed that the DS is clearly a positive contributor to a higher IP.
Research Limitation/Implication: The data are gathered in only one specific country, although it is one of the few that had national certifiable standards specifically developed for innovation management.
Originality/Value of paper: The main value of the article is to be one of the first ones to analyse, in any way, the impact of the degree of standardization (including or not the innovation MS as for instance the ISO 56002 or the UNE 166002) on the IC and IP of the company.
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