Quality 4.0 in Digital Manufacturing – Example of Good Practice
Purpose: The ever-evolving market dynamics and the trend toward increased product individualization demand a high degree of adaptability in production management. This calls for novel approaches, such as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), which integrates the Quality 4.0 (Q4.0) model as well.
Methodology/Approach: I4.0 builds upon the foundation of digital manufacturing and entails three key dimensions: (i) The employment of advanced digital technologies to enable digital production, (ii) The development of smart products, which incorporate novel production methods and innovative features, and, (iii) The adoption of an intelligent supply chain, designed to facilitate the procurement of raw materials and the delivery of finished goods. In our research studies, we focus specifically on the first and third approaches.
Findings: A bilateral flow of information in collaborative manufacturing is facilitated through digital platforms that span the entirety of the production process, from the inception of cutting-edge product designs to the final delivery to end-customers, integrating quality management (QM) as well.
Research Limitation/Implication: The current study outlines a QM model developed for a digital factory in Serbia, utilizing the Q4.0 model, with particular emphasis on the workshop section, integrated within the Enterprise Resource Planning/Manufacturing Execution Systems module.
Originality/Value of paper: The manuscript serves as a notable illustration of best practices for digital manufacturing, and the implementation of a digital QM model within the metalworking industry.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zora Jokovic, Goran Jankovic, Slobodan Jankovic, Aleksandar Supurovic, Vidosav Majstorović

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