Integrating 5S and Kaizen Principles for Enhanced Quality Improvement: A Pharmaceutical R&D Laboratory Case Study
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the combined application of 5S and Kaizen methodologies in a pharmaceutical R&D laboratory to determine their impact on enhancing quality improvement processes and operational efficiency.
Methodology/Approach: The research adopted a single case study approach in a Greek pharmaceutical R&D laboratory. Quantitative data were gathered on deviations in analysis and experiment conduction times, while qualitative insights were derived from semi-structured interviews conducted with laboratory personnel before and after implementing the methodologies.
Findings: The study revealed significant improvements in laboratory operations following the implementation of 5S and Kaizen. Quantitatively, there was a notable reduction in analytical errors and experiment conduction times. Qualitatively, enhancements were observed in the workspace's organisation, equipment use efficiency, and employee engagement.
Research Limitation/Implication: Focusing on a single laboratory may not fully represent the diverse environments of other pharmaceutical R&D settings.
Originality/Value of paper: This paper contributes to the limited literature on using 5S and Kaizen in pharmaceutical R&D laboratories. It demonstrates the practical benefits of these methodologies in a highly regulated environment and provides a structured approach for their implementation.
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