Mihaela Pacesila (1)
(1) Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the ways to motivate volunteers and employees or members from non-governmental sector in order to find out which are the most effective of them and to see if there are differences regarding the motivation depending on the type of organization and the field of activity. The reason for investigating the literature in the field is to see how the contemporary authors have defined the term NGO as well as the concept of motivation.

Methodology: The research described in this paper is based on qualitative research method. Data gathering methods included the document analysis in order to bring some important clarifications on the concept of non-governmental organizations and motivation as well as semi-structured interview in order to identify the ways to motivate human resources from nongovernmental sector.

Findings: The analysis and interpretation of the data highlight that there are differences in the ways of motivating non-governmental sector human resources depending on the field of activity, but not depending on the type of organization. Despite the obstacles encountered, the management of NGOs uses the most effective ways in order to increase the motivation level of volunteers, employees or members.

Research limitation: The limits of this paper come once with the limited number of the interviewees, as well as the types of non-governmental organizations surveyed.

Value of paper: The paper has both theoretical and practical importance, explaining the concepts of NGOs and motivation and analysing the ways of motivating human resources in the non-governmental organizations.

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Mihaela Pacesila (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Mihaela Pacesila, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

Faculty of Administration and Public Managemnt

Lecturer PhD

Pacesila, M. (2014). ANALYSIS OF KEY-MOTIVATORS IN THE ROMANIAN-NGO ENVIRONMENT. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 18(2), 38–55.

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