Criteria of Innovativeness and Creativity in Start-Ups and Innovative Entrepreneurship

Lucie Vnoučková (1)
(1) University of Economics and Management, Czechia


Purpose: Innovativeness and development have become one of the greatest competitive advantage of all organisations. In order to develop innovations, human resources and their development are the main sources of creativity and new ideas, skills and their application. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate and identify approaches to enterpeneurship innovativeness. Furthwermore, paper develops current success criteria of start-ups based on qualitative research made with start-up leaders.

Methodology/Approach: The data were collected by means of a quantitative questionnaire research carried out among employees of organisations across sectors who take part in a talent programme in the Czech Republic. Moreover, qualitative research of start-up projects by means of content analysis was carried out among start-up organisations. For the analysis key words and short phrases were selected to find success criteria of start-ups. For the purposes of testing, the Pearson’s chi-square test and the association test were employed.

Findings: The results have shown statistically significant differences between the age category and creativity (p = 0.048) and the length of job history and the creativity demonstrated when performing job (p = 0.012). Furthermore, education plays role in innovativeness. University education may cause lowering of creativity by teaching standardized thinking. Moreover, results of study have shown that key success criteria (p = 0.000) of successful start-ups are: use of education and training, development, partners, theoretical mapping, use of expert help, use of concrete technologies, knowledge of project management, project functionality, personal interest in project delivery and efficiency of solution.

Research Limitation/implication: The results develop practice in defining key success criteria of innovative approach in enterpreneurships, start-ups and innovative-oriented organisations. The limits of the article can be deemed to consist in a relatively small sample of respondents; however, with respect to the exclusive approach to the talent management in the Czech Republic the sample can be described as sufficient. The results may inspire other researches to conduit further research in other conditions and deepen knowledge about this phenomenon.

Originality/Value of paper: The contribution of the article lies in identification and evaluation of the factors of innovativenes of enterpreneurships. Furthermore, practical contribution lies in identification and evaluation of the areas of the sustainable development of social start-ups. Practical contribution lies in presenting the concrete results from real start-up projects and innovative-oriented organisations. The results are important for development of new start-up ideas and project while their main efficient approaches are presented.

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Lucie Vnoučková (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Lucie Vnoučková, University of Economics and Management

Department of Management
Vnoučková, L. (2018). Criteria of Innovativeness and Creativity in Start-Ups and Innovative Entrepreneurship. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 22(1), 27–43.

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