The Influence of Indenter Rotation Angle on The Quality of Vicker Tester Calibration

Jozef Petrík (1)
(1) Faculty of Metallurgy, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia


The object of submitted work is to analyze the influence of the rotation of the indenter (diamond pyramid) and test force on the result of Vickers hardness tester calibration using uncertainty analysis, Measurement systems analysis (MSA), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Z-score.  The rotation anmgle of  indenter affects the values of hardness, repeatability rrel, maximal error Erel and relative expanded uncertainty Urel. The significance of the angle of indenter on the hardness and observed parameters of calibration no such as it of test force, but not negligible.

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Jozef Petrík (Primary Contact)
Petrík, J. (2011). The Influence of Indenter Rotation Angle on The Quality of Vicker Tester Calibration. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 15(1), 37–46.

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