Legal Metrology and System for Calibration and Verification of the Radar Level Sensors

Jaromír Markovič (1), Jozef Mihok (2), Stanislav Ďuriš (3), Zbyněk Schreier (4)
(1) Slovak Legal Metrology, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia,
(2) Technical University of Košice, Slovakia,
(3) Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia,
(4) Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing, Bratislava, Slovakia


Purpose: The paper deals with the legal metrology that is principally responsible for assuring the uniformity and correctness of measurements and presents the results of the scientific and research work in the cross-disciplinary fields. The design of the new measuring system for the verification of the radar level gauges.
Methodology/Approach: The requirements on performing verification of the measuring instruments are changed significantly, especially the requirement for reducing the time necessary for putting the measuring instruments out of service. Slovak legal metrology (SLM) has developed a number of its own systems for verification of the legally controlled measuring instruments.
Findings: The paper presents the results of the research activities aimed to refine and improve metrological continuity and metrological control of selected types of measuring instruments.
Research Limitation/implication: This paper are based on the theoretical and practical knowledge from the field of metrology, the analysis of the legislative and normative requirements on the measuring instruments metrological assurance, and knowledge gathered during the practical performance of the measuring instruments metrological control.
Originality/Value of paper: In the paper, there are presented those results of solving the tasks in the research and development fields that lead to the higher measurement accuracy, and to the elimination of the undesired influences that may occur during a measurement.

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Jaromír Markovič (Primary Contact)
Jozef Mihok
Stanislav Ďuriš
Zbyněk Schreier
Author Biographies

Jozef Mihok, Technical University of Košice

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Stanislav Ďuriš, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bratislava
Markovič, J., Mihok, J., Ďuriš, S., & Schreier, Z. (2016). Legal Metrology and System for Calibration and Verification of the Radar Level Sensors. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 20(1), 95–103.

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