Luis Miguel Fonseca (1)
(1) ISEP-IPP, School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal


Purpose: This exploratory research evaluates if there a relationship between the number of years since an organization has achieved ISO 9001 certification and the highest level of recognition received by the same organization with the EFQM Business Excellence Model.

Methodology/Approach: After state of the art review a detailed comparison between both models was made. Fifty two Portuguese organizations were considered and Correlation coefficient Spearman Rho was used to investigate the possible relationships.

Findings: Conclusion is that there is indeed a moderate positive correlation between these two variables, the higher the number of years of ISO 9001 certification, the higher the results of the organization EFQM model evaluation and recognition. This supports the assumption that ISO 9001 International Standard by incorporating many of the principles present in the EFQM Business Excellence Model is consistent with this model and can be considered as a step towards that direction.

Research Limitation/implication: Due to the dynamic nature of these models that might change over time and the possible time delays between implementation and results, more in-depth studies like experimental design or a longitudinal quasi-experimental design could be used to confirm the results of this investigation.

Originality/Value of paper: This research gives additional insights on conjunct studies of both models. The use of external evaluation results carried out by the independent EFQM assessors minimizes the possible bias of previous studies accessing the value of ISO 9001 certification.

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Luis Miguel Fonseca (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Luis Miguel Fonseca, ISEP-IPP, School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto

Luis Fonseca is Adjunct Professor at ISEP-IPP, School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto, Mechanical Engineering Department, teaching Industrial Management (MsC and BsC Engineering Courses) since 1989. Luis Fonseca holds a PhD in Management (ISCTE-IUL, 2012), an MBA (IEP/ESADE, 1993), a Specialization in Quality Engineering (UNL/ISQ, 1987) and is Electrical Engineer (UP, 1982).

Main research areas are Quality, Management, Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Industrial Engineering and Management:

  • ”Agostinho Roseta Award”, 2013 – 8th Edition, given by IEFP,  Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, IP,  for PhD Thesis “Influence of Social Responsibility in the sustainable success of organizations”, category Studies and Research Works.
  • Award for the best article published in “Revista Qualidade” (Journal of the Portuguese Association for Quality), 9th Edition – 2013, “Zulema Lopes Pereira”.
  • Elected by ASQ board of directors (November 7, 2014) as ASQ "Fellow "in recognition for the significant contributions to quality", being the first Portuguese to receive this distinction.

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