Lean Service Implementation Success Factors

Krystyna Lisiecka (1), Iwona Burka (2)
(1) University of Economics in Katowice, Poland,
(2) , Poland


Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the factors which have influence on the Lean Service (LS) principles implementation process that serves to improve the organization and economics of district heating companies operating on the Polish market.
Methodology: Diagnostic survey carried out in the selected trade industries.
Findings: Assessing the significance of the effective LS principles implementation factors, which serves to improve the functioning of district heating companies, has revealed the most important factor, which is – according to the respondents – a focus on minimizing waste in processes. Several waste groups were identified and distinguished. They are for example: waste resulting from the employees passive behaviors, unused creativity of employees, unnecessary motion. Answering the question asked in the title of the paper – according to the research - you can ascertain that the effective LS conception principles implementation success factors are, in particular: the involvement of management in process improvement, staff attitude to minimize waste in processes. The research resulted in the formulation of conclusions, one of which says that an effective remedy for the organization members passive behaviors can be Lean Behaviours.
Originality: This is a first unique study on the topic of the Lean Service implementation success factors in the heat engineering. The achieved results can be useful for district heating companies as a guidance to improve management systems in those organizations.


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Krystyna Lisiecka
krystyna.lisiecka@ue.katowice.pl (Primary Contact)
Iwona Burka
Lisiecka, K., & Burka, I. (2016). Lean Service Implementation Success Factors. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 20(1), 72–94. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v20i1.640

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