The Effectiveness of Innovative Infrastructure: The Case of Kazakhstan

Bakyt Bayadilova (1), Arsen Nassyrkhanov (2), Elvira Tlessova (3), Lyazzat Parimbekova (4), Maigul Tolymgozhinova (5), Tursynzada Kuangaliyeva (6)
(1) Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovation University, Kazakhstan,
(2) Almaty Management University “AlmaU”, Kazakhstan,
(3) Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan,
(4) Shakarim University of Semey, Kazakhstan,
(5) Shakarim University of Semey, Kazakhstan,
(6) H. Dosmuhamedov Atyrau State University, Kazakhstan


Purpose: The development of an innovative economy is constrained by the problems of science funding, modernization of scientific institutions and innovative training of specialists. This article focuses on the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of the innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan using a systematized set of performance indicators.

Methodology/Approach: Approaches to assessing innovation infrastructure have been analysed. Based on the analysis, correlation and regression assessment model has been developed.

Findings: A forecast has been made for innovative infrastructure development based on the obtained performance indicators. This forecast is of high practical significance, as it allows predicting the outcomes of innovation.

Research Limitation/implication: In the light of globalization, it is extremely urgent to develop an innovative economy along with regional innovation systems. If combined, these systems can accelerate the innovation processes in the regions, ensure competitiveness and expedite the socio-economic development. The formation of an innovative economy should be in line with the productive forces and production relations.

Originality/Value of the paper: Through categorization, this study establishes a set of underlying indicators, which are used to measure the performance of the innovation infrastructure. A model of correlation and regression analysis is built, which allows evaluating the effectiveness of the innovation infrastructure of Kazakhstan.

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Bakyt Bayadilova (Primary Contact)
Arsen Nassyrkhanov
Elvira Tlessova
Lyazzat Parimbekova
Maigul Tolymgozhinova
Tursynzada Kuangaliyeva
Bayadilova, B., Nassyrkhanov, A., Tlessova, E., Parimbekova, L., Tolymgozhinova, M., & Kuangaliyeva, T. (2020). The Effectiveness of Innovative Infrastructure: The Case of Kazakhstan. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 24(1), 69–87.

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