Customers’ Intention to Recommend Takeaway Food during COVID-19 Pandemic

Yulia Yeni (1), Vera Pujani (2), Laura Syahrul (3)
(1) Universitas Andalas, Indonesia,
(2) Universitas Andalas, Indonesia,
(3) Universitas Andalas, Indonesia


Purpose: The aim of this study is to predict perceived risk and consumer willingness in recommending takeaway food from restaurant served in buffet style.                          

Methodology/Approach: This study used an online survey of 170 consumers who were selected based on purposive sampling method. The research questionnaire was adapted from previous research. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), with Smart PLS.

Findings: The research findings show that health risk and psychological risk have a positive effect on intention to recommend takeaway food. Meanwhile, quality risk and trust have no effect on intention to recommend takeaway food. In addition, psychological risk and quality risk have no effect on trust. This study also shows that trust does not function as a mediator of the relationship between health risk, psychological risk, quality risk, trust, and intention to recommend.

Research Limitation/Implication: This study only uses a self-report questionnaire by customers. For further research, to enrich the discussion, it is recommended to use interviews or FGD. In addition, this study only uses three risk variables. For the future, it is advisable to add other risk variables.

Originality/Value of paper: In other countries such as China, Korea and the United States, related research has been carried out, however for the context of RM Padang which is unique with all the menus served (Buffet) on the visiting customers’ table has not been found in literature.

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Yulia Yeni (Primary Contact)
Vera Pujani
Laura Syahrul
Yeni, Y., Pujani, V., & Syahrul, L. . (2021). Customers’ Intention to Recommend Takeaway Food during COVID-19 Pandemic. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 25(3), 85–100.

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