Contribution of Information Sharing to Supply Chain Performance in Developing Country: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Vietnam
Purpose: This study empirically investigates effect of information technology (IT) link on supply chain performance through information sharing, supplier development, and knowledge absorption from customers.
Methodology/Approach: The data sample including 135 Vietnamese manufacturing plants was collected through a paper-based questionnaire survey. Statistical techniques such as correlation and regression analysis are applied for hypotheses testing.
Findings: It was shown that supply chain performs better when focal firms invest in supplier development and knowledge absorption. Those activities are strengthened by developing IT link and information sharing with suppliers and by customers.
Research Limitation/Implication: Sample size is relatively small due to limited time and resources; subjective measurement of constructs are limitations that can be addressed in future research.
Originality/Value of paper: This paper fills the gap in literature related with application of supply chain information in developing countries. It indicated that IT links should be regarded as the platform for information sharing among supply chain partners which lead to higher supply chain performance.
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