Interactions between Ideas and Behaviour in Organizations

Magnus Marmgren (1), Sverker Alänge (2), Stefan Book (3)
(1) Effort Consulting, Division of Science, Technology and Society, Dept. of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden,
(2) Division of Science, Technology and Society, Dept. of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden,
(3) Effort Consulting


Purpose: To develop and test a framework which can be used to facilitate the understanding of how ideas interact with behaviour in organisations, in ways that have practical relevance in organisational development and improvement.

Design/methodology/approach: The framework proposed in this paper is the product of an abductive research process. This process involved testing and reflecting in action, and on action when writing. The emerging framework was also challenged by theoretical input from continual literature studies and has (at
different stages of its development) been part of the theoretical framework for a PhD dissertation, research articles and master’s theses.

Findings: The framework graphically highlights the relationship between explicit (i.e., spoken or documented) and tacit ideas, and that the latter is what largely controls action. It also implies that for new explicit ideas or theories to become effective, they have to become part of the tacit guiding ideas. This is often difficult to achieve. The framework gives a perspective on why this is the
case and how it can be counteracted, including by: addressing the coherence between its parts; supporting sense-making; and seeing development as iterative and contextual.

Practical implications: The framework has been tested with practitioners and has rapidly assisted professionals in making explicit, and developing, tacit knowledge. It has also been successfully used in analyses in several papers, including studies of sustainability and process management.

Originality/value: The implications of the framework are in line with existing research, yet we believe that the graphical model adds both scientific and practical dimensions. This is partly due to the framework making it easier to differentiate between complex concepts that are often confused.

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Magnus Marmgren (Primary Contact)
Sverker Alänge
Stefan Book
Author Biographies

Magnus Marmgren, Effort Consulting, Division of Science, Technology and Society, Dept. of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology

Partner, Effort Consulting. PhD candidate, Division of Science, Technology and Society, Dept. of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology

Sverker Alänge, Division of Science, Technology and Society, Dept. of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology

Associate professor, Division of Science, Technology and Society, Dept. of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology

Stefan Book, Effort Consulting

PhD, Partner and CEO Effort Consulting
Marmgren, M., Alänge, S., & Book, S. (2016). Interactions between Ideas and Behaviour in Organizations. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 20(2), 185–207.

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