Identifying Customer Satisfaction Characteristics with the Kano Model for the Agile Development of Video Games
Purpose: This study aims to use the Kano Model to identify critical attributes that can be used as features in video games developed using Agile software development.
Attributes were identified from the literature review and then selected for a survey given to university participants. Survey results were then analysed using the Kano Model table and a scatter plot. The survey identified respondents' preferences in video games. The survey responses were reanalysed using stratification by video game type.
Findings: No one-dimensional attribute was found that would be critical to video game customers. Only a limited number of attractive attributes were identified from the aggregated data.
Research Limitation/Implication: The analysis by type of video games had low sample sizes. Additionally, people from outside the target group responded to the survey.
Originality/Value of paper: This paper identifies attributes to prioritise when developing a product and demonstrates the need to consider market segmentation when using the Kano Model.
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