Should Czech Republic and Slovakia Have Rail Baltica Strategy?

Olli-Pekka Hilmola


Export led economies of Slovakia and Czech Republic have shown impressive performance on activity regarding to Rail Baltica corridor countries (trade vol. incr. by 200-300 % in decade time). However, long-term plans in transportation logistics are tied upon corridors (road and rail) ending to Polish sea port, Gdansk. Road transport is also favoured in large-scale in both countries in export activity. However, new environmental demands (sign. lower emissions) and scarcity of oil are on the way of changing the current modus operandi. As trade of Rail Baltica countries accounts for one third of these two countries, and is constantly growing with surplus (except for Russia), Slovakia and Czech Republic are clearly in need of developing own strategy for Rail Baltica.


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Olli-Pekka Hilmola (Primary Contact)
Hilmola, O.-P. (2011). Should Czech Republic and Slovakia Have Rail Baltica Strategy?. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 15(1), 05–16.
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