Application of IoT for the Maintaining Rolling Stocks

Sang Chan Park (1), Yoo Jung Kim (2), Jong Un Won (3)
(1) Kyung Hee University, Korea, Republic of,
(2) , Korea, Republic of,


Purpose: This paper presents a framework for simulation on IoT based CBM (condition based monitoring) for rolling stocks. This enables to allocate maintenance resources effectively while satisfying preventive maintenance requirements.

Methodology/Approach: We exploits Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) based on KTX (Korea Tran eXpress, Korea’s high-speed rail system) motor reduction unit failure data for three years by utilising the internet of things (IoT) and RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety) methods.

Findings: We come up with the predictive maintenance indicator; reliability functions as to the desired service level; and the failure and defect prediction indicator takes the form of cumulative failure function in the form of probability distribution function, which aim to realise the real-time condition monitoring and maintaining technical support services. Internet of Things (IoT) has been an important apparatus to improve the maintenance efficiency.

Research Limitation/implication: This paper has limitations that the data are collected from references, not actual data; the detailed descriptions of IoT application to the railway rolling stocks are omitted, and it is not dealt in depth how maintenance efforts and performance are improved through the suggested reliability centered maintenance.

Originality/Value of paper: This study has the academic importance in a sense that it integrates RAMS based maintenance methods and IoT. RAMS centered maintenance provides powerful rules for deciding a failure management policy; when it is technically appropriate; and for providing precise criteria for deciding how often routine tasks should be carried out. It will lead to the improved cost efficiency, sustainability and maintainability of railway maintenance system since the staff do not have to visit installation sites frequently. Lately, there is general agreement that prevention was better than inspection and that an increase in preventive cost was the means of reducing total quality costs. In connection with this issue, we will address the way of reducing failure costs and prevention costs with IoT: new appraisal method.

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Sang Chan Park (Primary Contact)
Yoo Jung Kim
Jong Un Won
Park, S. C., Kim, Y. J., & Won, J. U. (2017). Application of IoT for the Maintaining Rolling Stocks. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(2), 71–83.

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