Improvement in Product Development: Use of back-end data to support upstream efforts of Robust Design Methodology

Vanajah Siva (1)
(1) Chalmers University of Technology


In the area of Robust Design Methodology (RDM) less is done on how to use and work with data from the back-end of the product development process to support upstream improvement. The purpose of this paper is to suggest RDM practices for the use of customer claims data in early design phases as a basis for improvements. The back-end data, when systematically analyzed and fed back into the product development process, aids in closing the product development loop from claims to improvement in the design phase. This is proposed through a flow of claims data analysis tied to an existing tool, namely Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The systematic and integrated analysis of back-end data is suggested as an upstream effort of RDM to increase understanding of noise factors during product usage based on the feedback of claims data to FMEA and to address continuous improvement in product development.

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Vanajah Siva (Primary Contact)
Siva, V. (2012). Improvement in Product Development: Use of back-end data to support upstream efforts of Robust Design Methodology. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 16(2), 84–102.

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