Customer Loyalty Measurement at Czech Organizations

David Vykydal (1), Petra Halfarová (2), Jaroslav Nenadál (3)
(1) VŠB-TU OSTRAVA, Czechia,
(2) VŠB-TU OSTRAVA, Czechia,
(3) VŠB-TU OSTRAVA, Czechia


All organizations certified against the ISO 9001 requirements must also measure customer satisfaction. But customer loyalty represents quality management system maturity on higher level of objectivity. An purpose of the article is bring set of information on current state analysis of customer loyalty measurement at Czech companies. Principal methodology of this analysis was special field survey and our research too. Results of special research performed through focus groups, based on risk analysis in the field of quality management principles implementation, are presented there as a part of findings. The another important findings show that customer loyalty measurement is mostly underestimated or ignored at Czech organizations. Main reasons of such state are also described. As well as: the first proposal of original methodology how to measure three fundamental types of customer loyalty - advocasy, purchasing and retention loyalty is also included to this article.

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David Vykydal (Primary Contact)
Petra Halfarová
Jaroslav Nenadál
Author Biographies

David Vykydal, VŠB-TU OSTRAVA

Department of Quality Management

Petra Halfarová, VŠB-TU OSTRAVA

Department of Quality Management

Jaroslav Nenadál, VŠB-TU OSTRAVA

Department of Quality Management
Vykydal, D., Halfarová, P., & Nenadál, J. (2013). Customer Loyalty Measurement at Czech Organizations. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 17(1), 28–38.

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