Retailer's Innovative Differentiation Method Based on Customer Experience: Focusing Mediating Effect of Omni-channel Shopper Type

Sangmin Lee (1), Tae-seon Lim (2)
(1) Soongsil University, Korea, Republic of,
(2) Kyungpook National University, Korea, Republic of


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer attitude by focusing on the mediating effect of Omni-channel shopper type.

Methodology/Approach: A survey questionnaire was conducted by the consumer who purchased fashion clothing at SPA brand store in Daegu, Korea. Total of 364 survey responses were collected for data analysis.

Findings: The study found that customer experience has been stimulated by experiential providers. It was also found that customer experience positively influenced on store attitude.

Research Limitation/implication: This study limited the retail stores to SPA brand stores. Therefore, there had limitation in generalizing the results of this study in other types of retail industry.

Originality/Value of paper: The study will be of benefit to both the scholars and marketing practitioners in terms of moderating effect of Omni-channel shopper types on consumer satisfaction.

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Sangmin Lee (Primary Contact)
Tae-seon Lim
Lee, S., & Lim, T.- seon. (2017). Retailer’s Innovative Differentiation Method Based on Customer Experience: Focusing Mediating Effect of Omni-channel Shopper Type. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(2), 37–51.

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