Base Principles and Practices for Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance in Automotive Industry

Hana Pačaiová (1), Gabriela Ižaríková (2)
(1) Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,
(2) Technical University of Kosice


Purpose: IATF 16949:2016 standard requirements do not represent a totally new approach of quality improvement within the automotive industry. The change of the last, from 2009 year ISO/TS), the quality management standard is only an expected consequence of changes, which, in managerial systems, was brought by ISO Organization in 2012 (Annex SL). Implementation of the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) requires several important steps. The article describes framework of TPM implementation on a basis of PDCA (P-plan; D-do; C-check; A-Act) cycle and evaluates influence of Occupational health and safety pillar (OHS) on the “stability” of TPM house.

Methodology/Approach: Individual steps of TPM implementation are analysed and added with suitable tools for making the effective integration of TPM and IATF (which is expansion of ISO 9001:2015).

Findings: Implementation of autonomous maintenance and other TPM pillars requires support from management. Although the 5S tool is understood as a basic TPM tool, knowledge from its implementation suggest the fact that 5S is also a significant tool of management integration within organisation.

Research Limitation/Implication: Research presented in this article is influenced of the maturity of organisation as well as its size and types of its activities.

Originality/Value of paper: Method of TPM implementation analysis in the conditions of integrated approach with an emphasis on 5S and its relation to OHS management is original approach.

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Hana Pačaiová (Primary Contact)
Gabriela Ižaríková
Author Biography

Hana Pačaiová, Technical University of Kosice

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Pačaiová, H., & Ižaríková, G. (2019). Base Principles and Practices for Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance in Automotive Industry. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(1), 45–59.

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