University and Practice – Cooperation in Research and Science: Case study of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Jana Jarábková (1), Marcela Chrenekova (2), Oľga Roháčiková (3)
(1) Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia,
(2) Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia,
(3) Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia


Purpose: Besides their educational and research functions, universities are currently essential for dissemination of knowledge in innovation processes, thus affecting the economic and social development of their environments. The formalized cooperation of the Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra and its partners in research and science was examined in this context.

Methodology/Approach: Formal cooperation of the university with working life partners in terms of their sectoral and geographic affiliation was analyzed in the paper. The Central Register of Contracts and the SUA Internal Register of Contracts were used as principal sources of data. Based on interviews and selected studies conducted in the Slovak Republic we further focused on identification of barriers to the transfer of the results of research into practice.

Findings: The paper confirmed cognitive and spatial proximity between SUA and its partners. The sectoral focus of the partners is closely related to the profile of the university. From the spatial point of view, more significant concentration of SUA partners in the region of Western Slovakia was confirmed. We identified several barriers to the transfer of the results of scientific research activities from the university environment into practical life.

Research Limitation/implication: We conducted research on the example of one university, thus it is not possible to generalize the results.

Originality/Value of paper: The paper analyzes the collaboration of the University in science and research with partners in practical life and identifies weaknesses and barriers to this cooperation.

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Jana Jarábková (Primary Contact)
Marcela Chrenekova
Oľga Roháčiková
Author Biographies

Jana Jarábková, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Department of Regional and Rural Development


Marcela Chrenekova, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Department of Regional and Rural Development

Oľga Roháčiková, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Department of Regional and Rural Development
Jarábková, J., Chrenekova, M., & Roháčiková, O. (2019). University and Practice – Cooperation in Research and Science: Case study of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(1), 136–154.

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