Strategic Partnership: Potential for Ensuring the University Sustainable Development

Tatiana Salimova, Natalya Vatolkina, Vasily Makolov


The purpose of the article is to research the theoretical approaches to strategic partnerships of universities, analyse the current trends of partnership development of universities in the context of sustainable development, discuss the experience of the National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University in terms of strategic partnerships creation and define the new opportunities of developing the strategic partnerships.

The methodology of the paper is based on comprehensive literature review in the sphere of university partnerships. The authors use a comparative method, analysis and summarizing aimed on defining the current trends and issues related to strategic partnership. There has been developed the partnership commitment chart of key stakeholders of universities to show current points and target points.

The research findings are generalization of the strategic partnership theory with the focus on university activities in reference to sustainable development, clarification of current trends and issues of university strategic partnership, definition of further opportunities and methods in the area under consideration.

Under modern conditions it is extremely important to develop a strategic partnership in the sphere of higher education. Universities are open institutions and they need to be involved into different processes of economy and society development. Article’s significance is in a new view on strategic partnership in the context of sustainable development of universities.


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Tatiana Salimova (Primary Contact)
Natalya Vatolkina
Vasily Makolov
Author Biographies

Tatiana Salimova, Ogarev Mordovia State University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Quality management Chair, Dean of the Economics Department, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Russia). The expert of the Russian Government Quality Award. The author of more than 250 papers in quality management and sustainable development. Postal address: 430005, Saransk, Kommunisticheskaya St., 95-21

Natalya Vatolkina, Ogarev Mordovia State University

Associate Professor of the Quality Management Chair, Head of International Office, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Russia). The author of more than 80 papers in quality management. Postal address: 430005, Saransk, Krupskya St., 18-53




Vasily Makolov, Ogarev Mordovia State University

Associate Professor of the Quality Management Chair, Head of Quality Management Department, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Russia). The author of more than 100 papers in quality management of higher education and investment policy. Postal address: 430027, Saransk, Nikolaeva St., 26-88








PhD, Associate Professor of Quality Management Chair, Head of Quality Management Department. The author of more than 100 papers in quality management in higher education and investment policy.





Salimova, T., Vatolkina, N., & Makolov, V. (2014). Strategic Partnership: Potential for Ensuring the University Sustainable Development. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 18(1), 107–124.
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