Quality Management in the New Product Development: a PPAP Approach

Johanna Hermans (1), Yang Liu (2)
(1) University of Vaasa, Finland,
(2) University of Vaasa, Finland


The purpose of this paper is to test Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) as a tool to build quality into the new product and processes and ensure that it meets the customer expectations. Research method is qualitative method using so called case-study to study the suitability of PPAP as a tool for quality management by building quality right into the new product and process. The case studies have been made with three different kinds of companies. PPAP is suitable tool for quality management in NPD processes when taking into account many requirements about personnel, processes, documentation etc. The paper has some limitations such as limited sample size. The results are encouraging managers to use PPAP as a tool for managing their company’s product development processes, quality work and supply chain partnerships. The manner in which the stakeholders could use to facilitate a sense of partnerships or co-workers aiming the same goals rather than have a traditional customer-seller relationship was valued in this study.

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Finland: VTT. Available from Internet: http://www.vtt.fi/publications/index.jsp, ISSN 1459–7683.


Johanna Hermans
Yang Liu
yli@uva.fi (Primary Contact)
Hermans, J., & Liu, Y. (2013). Quality Management in the New Product Development: a PPAP Approach. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 17(2), 37–51. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v17i2.150

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