Implementation of Supply Chain Management and Strategic Processes in Total Quality Management to Improve Operational Performance

Agatha Rinta Suhardi (1)
(1) Widyatama University, Indonesia


Purpose: This research aims to empirically determine how much influence supply chain management, strategic process, and total quality management have on the company's operational performance, both partially and simultaneously.

Methodology/Approach: The study involved eight manufacturing companies in Bandung and focused on 104 operational employees. It used descriptive and verification analysis with a path analysis approach, and data were collected through questionnaires via purposive sampling and the Slovin formula.

Findings: The results show that 1) Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Strategic Processes (SP) positively impact total quality management and operational performance, 2) Total Quality Management (TQM) negatively affects operational performance, and 3) supply chain management has the greatest influence on both.

Research Limitation/Implication: Future research should expand the sample size or include companies from different regions and industries to improve external validity.

Originality/Value of paper: This study emphasises the importance of supply chain management, strategic processes, and TQM in operational performance, with supply chain management being the most crucial factor for quality management and improved performance.

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Agatha Rinta Suhardi (Primary Contact)
Suhardi, A. R. (2024). Implementation of Supply Chain Management and Strategic Processes in Total Quality Management to Improve Operational Performance. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 28(3), 139–162.

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