Modelling Customer Satisfaction of Smartphones in the Czech Republic
Purpose: The goal of this paper is to model customer satisfaction of smartphone select manufacturers in the Czech Republic (CR). Furthermore, the paper aims to model the factors which affect customer satisfaction of the smartphone.
Methodology/Approach: A questionnaire was sent to 1,063 respondents in CR to collect data. Using structural equation modelling, relationships between factors of customer satisfaction within three models of customer satisfaction of select smartphone manufacturers were modelled.
Findings: Effects of all investigated factors of customer satisfaction were verified, as well as all items which constituted the factors. Additionally, the functioning of the factor of total satisfaction with dimensions of general satisfaction and price tolerance was verified.
Research Limitation/Implication: The research is limited by its focus exclusively CR, the number of manufacturers included in the research is rather low and small number of factors and items included in those factors.
Originality/Value of paper: The models differed from each other in terms of the strength and direction of the relationships between the factors, which has implications for these recommendations. In general, each manufacturer has its own strengths and weaknesses (factors) that affect customer satisfaction with its product. Individual manufacturers can increase customer satisfaction by strengthening the positive factors or by learning from their competitors and eliminating or improving the factors that currently affect customer satisfaction negatively.
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