To Lead Change - To Work and Study with Creativity and Structure - A Course Design for Deeper Learning Outcomes within a Course in Quality Technology

Anette Oxenswardh (1), Per-Arne Forsberg (2)
(1) Uppsala University, Sweden,
(2) , Sweden


Purpose: In this paper a new course design as a case study is presented. The course was given at bachelor level at Uppsala university, campus Gotland, within the division of quality technology. The purpose of the case is to give students an opportunity to practice acquired theoretical knowledge by offering them the opportunity to create an organization of their dreams, working in small groups.

Methodology/Approach: This paper builds upon a case study approach, combining a literature review, document studies over the performed course and evaluations over the course.

Findings: The case study shows that course design can be an important inspiration and a bridge between theory and practice for the students. Course design seems to support students’ learning processes according to evaluations of the course. Course design offers benefits of the collective learning, especially for distance students. It increases independence, understanding of one’s mission and accountability for it. Students are given the opportunity to practice the theoretical knowledge in their education in a creative and inspiring way. Still, there are further demands and challenges left of improvement in the course design.

Research Limitation/implication: The research limitation is that  this study consists of only one course in Quality Technology.

Originality/Value of paper: This study contributes to the discussion about learning at university level through a case study.

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Anette Oxenswardh (Primary Contact)
Per-Arne Forsberg
Author Biographies

Anette Oxenswardh, Uppsala University

Senior Lecturer, Uppsala university/Campus Gotland, Department of Engineering Sciences

Per-Arne Forsberg

University teacher, Uppsala university/Campus Gotland
Department of Engineering Sciences

Oxenswardh, A., & Forsberg, P.-A. (2019). To Lead Change - To Work and Study with Creativity and Structure - A Course Design for Deeper Learning Outcomes within a Course in Quality Technology. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(1), 25–44.

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