Benchmarking of the e-Learning Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training: Project Results

Kristina Lengyelova (1), Nefeli Dimopoulou (2)
(1) Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,
(2) IDEC, Greece


Purpose: The paper aims to present project No. 2020-1-SK01-KA226-VET094266 BEQUEL and partial results of the benchmarking questionnaire. 

Methodology/Approach: The starting point for the project solution was an analysis of the current state of ensuring the quality of e-learning in vocational training and education in the partner countries of the project (Slovakia, Greece, Spain, and Italy) and an overview of laws and regulations valid at the European level and in the world. A benchmarking survey was conducted to determine the level of e-learning quality assurance in these countries compared to good practices in the European Union. The Benchmarking Badge published monthly on the portal tracks changes over time.

Findings: The average standard for the four involved countries after the pandemic was the level for VET (Vocational Education and Training) providers: (1) strategy and policy for e-learning 71.6%, (2) support for trainers and trainees for e-learning 70.4, (3) infrastructure support for e-learning 74.9%, (4) program/course design and development and approval for e-learning provision 75.8%, and (5) e-learning training program evaluation procedures 67.9%.

Research Limitation/Implication: On the one hand, the project was limited by the measures of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which face-to-face meetings and training were not allowed. Still, on the other hand, the VET providers recognised their weaknesses, strengths, and readiness for complete online education.

Originality/Value of paper: Examples of good practice and video presentations inspire improving the quality of e-learning in VET.

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Kristina Lengyelova (Primary Contact)
Nefeli Dimopoulou
Author Biographies

Kristina Lengyelova, Technical University of Kosice

Project manager

Slovak Union for Quality Innovation and Prosperity



Nefeli Dimopoulou, IDEC

Project manager

Lengyelova, K., & Dimopoulou, N. (2023). Benchmarking of the e-Learning Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training: Project Results. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 27(2), 1–15.

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