Standardisation of the Social Responsibility System as a Tool for Business Sustainability

Milan Majerník (1), Jana Štofková (2), Peter Malega (3), Barbara Barilová (4)
(1) University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia,
(2) University of Žilina, Slovakia,
(3) Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,
(4) University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to design an innovative model for implementing the integrated corporate social responsibility management system based on the progressive, internationally recognised ISO standards.

Methodology/Approach: This paper analyses the development, current state and trends in implementing the corporate social responsibility system, emphasising the applied approaches and models in the context of possibilities and barriers to their implementation and acceptance in the global markets.

Findings: New market conditions in the global markets within sustainable development require the certification of quality management systems. From this point of view, the integration of management systems is vital, and it brings synergetic effects. Developing the future concept for corporate social responsibility management and sustainability is inevitable.

Research Limitation/Implication: In the meantime, there is no ISO standard as the model for management and the system of social responsibility in the integrated system. The issue is still poorly formalised, developed and appreciated in social practice. The newly revised ISO standards with a 10-element HLS structure and their development and constant addition provide space for the innovative modelling of the social responsibility system in integration with the management of other aspects of the organisation.

Originality/Value of paper: The paper is original due to its focus on the implementation of the social responsibility system in accordance with the latest and newly revised ISO standards in the integrated system form.

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Milan Majerník
Jana Štofková
Peter Malega (Primary Contact)
Barbara Barilová
Author Biographies

Milan Majerník, University of Economics in Bratislava

Prof. h. c., prof., Ing., PhD.

University of Economics in Bratislava

Faculty of Commerce

Bratislava, Slovakia

Jana Štofková, University of Žilina

Prof., Ing., CSc.

University of Žilina

Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications

Žilina, Slovakia

Peter Malega, Technical University of Kosice

Ing., PhD.

Technical University of Kosice

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Košice, Slovakia

Barbara Barilová , University of Economics in Bratislava


University of Economics in Bratislava

Faculty of Commerce

Bratislava, Slovakia

Majerník, M., Štofková, J. ., Malega, P., & Barilová , B. . (2022). Standardisation of the Social Responsibility System as a Tool for Business Sustainability. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 26(2), 39–54.

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