Draving Up a Budget Using The Activity Based Budgeting Methodology Through The Simulation Of Processes

Dita Janíková


This paper deals with a connection between financial and quality management systems. These departments only rarely cooperate on projects, which could be a loss, because this connection has many improvement opportunities. The author shows through the simple example of catering deliveries a possible procedure of how to reach a more realistic evaluation of production costs for each product and how to connect budgeting and process analysis.


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Dita Janíková
dita.beyrova@email.cz (Primary Contact)
Janíková, D. (2011). Draving Up a Budget Using The Activity Based Budgeting Methodology Through The Simulation Of Processes. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 15(2), 18–30. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v15i2.45
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