Assessment of Innovation Potential of Gayo Coffee Agroindustry

Rahmat Fadhil (1), M. Syamsul Maarif (2), Tajuddin Bantacut (3), Aji Hermawan (4)
(1) Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia,
(2) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia,
(3) Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia,
(4) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to perform an assessment on the innovation potential of Gayo coffee agroindustry, as a basis of policymaking as an effort to promote agroindustry and to increase the revenue.

Methodology/Approach: Innovation potential assessment was performed with “Map of the Company Innovation Potential” through a stakeholder survey by using questionnaire and confirmation.

Findings: The result of the study shows that innovation potential of Gayo coffee agroindustry is good enough to be developed by considering today’s reality and condition, based on innovation potential assessment that had been performed. This condition is very possible for the development of innovation activity in the form of work and the agroindustry program of Gayo coffee becomes more serious concern, so that the potential of innovation improvement can continue to grow and evolve by involving various parties to create a synergy in supporting innovation development.

Research Limitation/implication: This study describes the condition of innovation potential of Gayo coffee agroindustry in six aspects of assessment, which are: strategy and planning, marketing, technological process, quality and environment, logistic and human resources.

Originality/Value of paper: This article is according to field data from an interview with the stakeholders, field trip, and quantitative analysis. This study is very helpful for the policy maker in expanding Gayo coffee agroindustry, and become a contribution to analyze innovation potential in other agroindustry.

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Rahmat Fadhil (Primary Contact)
M. Syamsul Maarif
Tajuddin Bantacut
Aji Hermawan
Author Biographies

Rahmat Fadhil, Syiah Kuala University

Department of Agricultural Engineering

M. Syamsul Maarif, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

professor at Business School, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Tajuddin Bantacut, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Department of Agroindustrial Technology

Aji Hermawan, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

assistant professor Business School
Fadhil, R., Maarif, M. S., Bantacut, T., & Hermawan, A. (2017). Assessment of Innovation Potential of Gayo Coffee Agroindustry. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(3), 114–126.

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