Taking a Holistic Perspective on Technical Communication and Lean

Pernilla Ingelsson (1), Ulrika Löfstedt (2), Ingela Bäckström (3), Lena-Maria Öberg (4)
(1) Mid Sweden University, Sweden,
(2) Mid Sweden University,
(3) Mid Sweden University,


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present best practices and areas of improvement in Technical Communication (TC) analyzed with Lean values as a base. The purpose is also to analyze the results from a holistic perspective using the Synergy-4 model, a multi-perspective approach which considers four different spheres of an organization at a time in order to discover synergies. Methodology/Approach: To fulfill the purpose, 15 interviews in four different companies were conducted. These were then analyzed and the results were categorized into a number of predefined Lean areas. The results from the Lean values were then further analyzed with the Synergy-4 model as a base.  Findings: Taking a Lean perspective could enhance the status of TC with regard to finding ways to incorporate the customer’s voice more clearly when it comes to strengthening the role of TC. The result from the analyses indicates that Lean and Synergy-4 can enrich each other.

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Pernilla Ingelsson
pernilla.ingelsson@miun.se (Primary Contact)
Ulrika Löfstedt
Ingela Bäckström
Lena-Maria Öberg
Ingelsson, P., Löfstedt, U., Bäckström, I., & Öberg, L.-M. (2015). Taking a Holistic Perspective on Technical Communication and Lean. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 19(2), 103–122. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v19i2.608

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