CSR in Sustainable Development: Comparative Analysis

Marina Valentinovna Khayrullina (1)
(1) Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russian Federation


Purpose: To identify global and national trends in the development of CR reporting, the main difficulties in the CSR extension in Russia and suggest ways to improve a policy framework in the sphere of GRI based on the analysis of non-financial reporting by countries and regions of the world.

Methodology/Approach: Researching and writing the article one uses a combination of systemic and structural-functional approaches approach. The argumentation of the main provisions and conclusions is based on the application of comparisons, statistical, graph and tabular analysis methods. The information and empirical basis of the study are the legislative and normative acts of the Russian Federation, industries and regions development concepts and programs, data of state statistics bodies, materials of periodicals, conferences, roundtables, seminars, as well as the results of intermediate research carried out by the author personally.

Findings: The essential feature of the Russian CSR model is the decisive role of the state in its development. Non-financial reporting in Russia develops with slower rates than in developed countries. The methodological weakness of the reports is reflected in relatively low share of integrated reports, their incomplete compliance with international standards, methodological differences in calculations of the similar indicators. Development of CSR in Russia is connected with further study and adaptation of international best practices including a six-stage model of CSR policy formation.

Research Limitation/implication: As a result of the study, the main difficulties in the CSR extension in Russia were identified which are typical for all Russian regions and industries. Regional authorities can conduct an analysis of local difficulties and problems on this basis. The six-stage model of CSR policy formation can be used at any level of govenance with minor modifications. As a complex, these measures will solve the identified problems both at the level of regions and Russia as a whole.

Originality/Value of paper: The comparative analysis results of non-financial reporting development are author's and can be used as a basis for further analytical calculations. The findings, difficulties and directions for improving sustainable development policies in Russia in a complex develop theoretical knowledge on sustainable development, form the basis for the development and implementation of new practices within the policy framework.

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Marina Valentinovna Khayrullina
proreg5@mail.ru (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Marina Valentinovna Khayrullina, Novosibirsk State Technical University

Management Department, Business Faculty
Khayrullina, M. V. (2017). CSR in Sustainable Development: Comparative Analysis. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 21(3), 36–49. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v21i3.943

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