Lean Manufacturing Implementation through DMAIC Approach: A Case Study in the Automotive Industry
Purpose: The main objective of this paper is to validate the results of the Lean manufacturing application via the DMAIC concept. This study concerns a case study carried out in an automotive company which aims at improving its flows within the production workshop by pulling the physical flow and minimizing the different wastes.
Methodology/Approach: By conducting a literature review to examine the different frameworks for applying the lean method and to extract case studies related to the DMAIC approach which is missing on the selected articles, only one article that addresses this possibility.
Findings: DMAIC has allowed a better structuring of the entire project, choosing the right improvement solutions with the right choice of Lean tools and several advantages that are not valid for other frameworks. This implementation shows a spectacular improvement in the production planning, the fluidity of the flow as well as an important financial gain for the company.
Research Limitation/Implication: The project duration was not sufficient to apply other beneficial lean tools as the study was limited only to a single production line.
Originality/Value of paper: This article demonstrates the added value of the structured DMAIC approach to lean manufacturing methodology and implementation.
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