Lean Six Sigma Approach to Improve the Production Process in the Mould Industry: a Case Study

António M.H. Pereira (1), Miguel R. Silva (2), Mercedes A.G. Domingues (3), José C. Sá (4)
(1) ESTG/CDRsp, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal, Portugal,
(2) ESTG/CDRsp, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal, Portugal,
(3) ESTG/CDRsp, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal, Portugal,
(4) ISEP/IPP, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Portugal


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the optimization of internal process is assumed as a critical factor to be capable of answering to the moulds industries. Consequently, it has been considered essential to adopt high-valued methodologies to support tooling industry in order to achieve global competitive advantages. For that purpose, this work aims to apply LEAN principles and techniques to support mould design and manufacturing processes.

Methodology/Approach: The methodology used was based on PDCA/DMAIC, with the following stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. For each stages was taken some of Lean Six Sigma techniques, such as Continuous Improvement, Value Stream Mapping, Pareto analysis and Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

Findings: This study results was revealed that there are many areas on the organizations in the Mould Industry, when they utilize otimizations tools obtain hugt successes. With the Pareto analysis was carried out to show that events that contributes the most to the stops. The results were: unavailability of the operator (16.4%), programming the machine (14.4%) and tool exchange (12.4%) In the case of this Mould Industry study was obtained for the CNC machines studies, with the implementation of Lean Six Sigma tools as obtained a improvement about 20% of global OEE.

Research Limitation/implication: This research was revealed that there the moulds are Project unique and difficult to analyze. Moreover, this paper reports that the approach LEAN Six Sigma is very interesting for the continuous improvement of processes and profitability of moulds industry.

Originality/Value of paper: This research highlight areas of future research using of quality management methods and Lean Six Sigma tools to analyse and optimize production in the moulds industry. Therefore this research It is considered to promote and adopt high-valued methodologies to support tooling industry in order to achieve global competitive advantages.

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António M.H. Pereira
mario.pereira@ipleiria.pt (Primary Contact)
Miguel R. Silva
Mercedes A.G. Domingues
José C. Sá
Pereira, A. M., Silva, M. R., Domingues, M. A., & Sá, J. C. (2019). Lean Six Sigma Approach to Improve the Production Process in the Mould Industry: a Case Study. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(3), 103–121. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v23i3.1334

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