Measuring Appreciative Inquiry, Lean and Perceived Co-worker Health

Ingela Bäckström (1), Pernilla Ingelsson (2)
(1) Mid Sweden University, Sweden,
(2) Mid Sweden University, Sweden


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a developed questionnaire which measure Appreciative Inquiry, Lean values and co-workers health. The purpose is also to explore if and how Appreciative Inquiry correlates with Lean values and co-workers’ perceived health in an organisation working with Lean.

Methodology/Approach: To investigate the relationship between Lean, Appreciative Inquiry and perceived co-worker health, a questionnaire was developed based on two previously tested questionnaires. The new questionnaire was answered by 841 co-workers at a Swedish municipality and was then analysed to explore in what way Appreciative Inquiry correlates with a number
of Lean values as well as perceived co-worker health.

Findings: All variables were found to be significantly correlated with the variable ‘Appreciative Inquiry’. The variable ‘Continuous improvements’ relates most to ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ followed by ‘Eliminating Waste’ as those variables can be considered to have a large positive relationship. ‘Supportive Leadership’ and ‘System view’ have a medium positive relation to ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ and the variables ‘Health’ and ‘ focus’ have a small relation to Appreciative Inquiry in this contex.

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Ingela Bäckström
Pernilla Ingelsson (Primary Contact)
Bäckström, I., & Ingelsson, P. (2016). Measuring Appreciative Inquiry, Lean and Perceived Co-worker Health. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 20(2), 105–118.

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Is there a relationship between Lean Leaders and healthy co-workers?

Ingela Bäckström, Pernilla Ingelsson
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