Is there a relationship between Lean Leaders and healthy co-workers?

Ingela Bäckström (1), Pernilla Ingelsson (2)
(1) Mid Sweden University,
(2) Mid Sweden University, Sweden


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between Lean values, Lean leadership and perceived co-worker health both from an empirical and theoretical perspective. Methodology/Approach: A questionnaire used at a Swedish municipality that has been working with quality improvements for 20 years and with Lean for seven years was analyzed. 841 co-workers answered the questionnaire which had been designed and pre-tested to measure the presence of a number of Lean values and Lean leadership as well as self-reported perceived health.  Findings: The results show a moderately positive relationship between Lean values, Lean leadership and co-workers’ perceptions of their health. Customer focus presents the highest mean value, the lowest standard deviation and the highest correlation with co-worker health, which is interesting as the investigated organization is a municipality. 

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Ingela Bäckström (Primary Contact)
Pernilla Ingelsson
Bäckström, I., & Ingelsson, P. (2015). Is there a relationship between Lean Leaders and healthy co-workers?. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 19(2), 123–136.

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