Implementation of Statistical Process Control through PDCA Cycle to Improve Potential Capability Index of Drop Impact Resistance: A Case Study at Aluminum Beverage and Beer Cans Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia

Sunadi Sunadi (1), Humiras Hardi Purba (2), Sawarni Hasibuan (3)
(1) Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia,
(2) Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia,
(3) Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Purpose: The purposes of this study are first, to analyze why the process capability index (Cpk) for drop impact resistance (DIR) does not meet the specification or less than 1.33, and second, to find out what improvements should be made to make it meet the specification.

Methodology/Approach: The methodology used was Statistical Process Control (SPC) through the PDCA cycle, supporting with Cause and Effect Diagram (CED), Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and “why, what, where, when and how (5W1H)” method.

Findings: With the above methods, the result of the study was given a positive impact on the company. The average of DIR was increased from 20.40 cm to 25.76 cm, increased by 26.27% and the standard deviation was reduced from 1.80 to 1.48, and then the Cpk index was increased from 0.48 to 1.79 it means the process is in control and capable.

Research Limitation/implication: This research was limited only on the two-piece can aluminum cans manufacturing process, no for three-piece cans manufacturing. SPC through PDCA cycle is an interesting method for continuous improvement of process capability in the cans manufacturing industry.

Originality/Value of paper: This study highlights the area of future research SPC through the PDCA cycle to analyze and optimize process capability. Therefore, this research is considered to promote and adopt high-valued methodologies for supporting industry to achieve global competitive advantages.

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Sunadi Sunadi (Primary Contact)
Humiras Hardi Purba
Sawarni Hasibuan
Sunadi, S., Purba, H. H., & Hasibuan, S. (2020). Implementation of Statistical Process Control through PDCA Cycle to Improve Potential Capability Index of Drop Impact Resistance: A Case Study at Aluminum Beverage and Beer Cans Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 24(1), 104–127.

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