Effective TQM Implementation in the Service Industry: A Proposed Framework
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the framework, practices, and implementation of total quality management (TQM) in the service industry.
Methodology/Approach: The present study focuses on the existing literature on several TQM dimensions and developed a framework that would allow the service industry to efficiently apply TQM, resulting in enhanced organizational performance.
Findings: The research findings suggest that the relevance and implementation of TQM practices have a strong linkage to organizational performance. Managers shall work for the accomplishments of TQM to achieve success in local and global competition. By implementing TQM practices effectively in the service industry, managers can see improvements in the organization’s function. Therefore, managers shall accept the TQM approach to improve overall service quality and organizational performance.
Research Limitation/implication: The study is limited to secondary data collection and no primary research is carried out to verify the proposed framework.
Originality/Value of paper: The present study contributes to the literature on TQM by developing a framework for the service industry. This adds to the existing knowledge on TQM in the service industry and builds a foundation to carry out future research. The proposed TQM framework will empower the organizations for superior performance by evaluating the factors, defining rooms for improvement, and designing ways to achieve business excellence.
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