Developing a Systematic and Practical Road Map for Implementing Quality 4.0

Nevien Khourshed (1), Nermin Gohar (2)
(1) Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Egypt,
(2) Nile University Business School, Egypt


Purpose: Various studies have recently focused on Quality 4.0 (Q4.0) or the digitization of quality. However, having a systematic and practical road map for implementing Q4.0 within emerging nations, particularly like Egyptian culture is not researched so far. Hence, this research is intended to address this research gap to create a methodical road map for implementing Q4.0 in the Egyptian service sector.

Methodology/Approach: Empirical research using the questionnaire method is conducted. This study explores and validates the readiness elements with senior quality professionals within Egyptian culture in the service sector to create a methodical road map for implementing Q4.0 in the Egyptian service sector.

Findings: According to the results, the element analytical thinking was the most impacting factor among all other factors. While, the factors of supplier centricity, and scalability are thought to have the least impact.

Research Limitation/Implication: The study was limited by the fact that it solely used a questionnaire to collect data. Additionally, there may not be enough responses to conclude the results of this study. So, future studies should use more than one tool for collecting data.

Originality/Value of paper: Since, research on quality service and its link with digitization is still lacking, particularly in emerging nations like Egypt. This study is a new contribution, as it develops a methodical road map for Q4.0 implementation in the Egyptian service sector.

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Nevien Khourshed (Primary Contact)
Nermin Gohar
Author Biographies

Nevien Khourshed, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport

Assoc. Prof.

Department of Marketing and International Business

Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport



Nermin Gohar, Nile University Business School

Assist. Prof.

Supply Chain Department

Nile University Business School



Khourshed, N., & Gohar, N. . (2023). Developing a Systematic and Practical Road Map for Implementing Quality 4.0. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 27(2), 96–121.

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