Information Inputs and Outputs of Quality Planning Processes and the Possibilities of Their Improvement through Digital Transformation

Iveta Slancová (1), Jiří Plura (2)
(1) VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology,, Czechia,
(2) VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia


Purpose: The article aims to identify the key information inputs of quality planning processes, analyse their availability in the company practice, and propose framework measures for their effective digital transformation.

Methodology/Approach: The quality planning process was divided into 10 sub-processes, and a total of 90 information inputs and outputs were identified. Based on the importance evaluation 20 most important information inputs of quality planning were determined. The average digitalisation degree and maturity of the used storage systems were analysed in company practice for these information inputs. The average degree of availability of these inputs was then evaluated, leading to framework proposals for improvement.

Findings: The analysis revealed that many key information inputs of quality planning processes are not sufficiently available in practice. Consequently, framework measures to improve the availability of information for quality planning processes were proposed.

Research Limitation/Implication:  This article provides valuable insights for companies aiming to enhance competitiveness through more effective quality planning in accordance with Industry 4.0 principles.

Originality/Value of paper: The paper identifies the information inputs and outputs of quality planning processes and offers framework suggestions for effectively incorporating digital transformation into these processes.

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Iveta Slancová
Jiří Plura (Primary Contact)
Slancová, I., & Plura, J. (2024). Information Inputs and Outputs of Quality Planning Processes and the Possibilities of Their Improvement through Digital Transformation. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 28(2).

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