Collaboration with Triple Helix: The Mediating Effect of Mass Media in Expanding SMEs' Information Access
Purpose: The study explores how collaboration among SMEs with the Triple Helix innovation ecosystem impacts their information access and performance. It also examines the mediating role of mass media.
Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 545 SME managers and owners in Malang, Indonesia. SEM-PLS was used to analyse the data to examine the relationship of four latent variables: SME collaboration (COL), information access (IA), SME performance (SP), and collaboration with mass media (MM).
Findings: The study proves the pivotal role of SME collaboration with the triple helix ecosystem to improve SME information access and performance. It is also underscoring the considerable significance of mass media mediating roles.
Research Limitation/implication: The study demonstrates that SMEs can improve information acquisition through collaborations with the government, universities, and major corporations. It proposes expanding the 'triple helix' model to include mass media, thus enhancing SME development by augmenting information access capabilities alongside government, universities, and industry.
Originality/Value of paper: The study adds to the existing research on the triple helix innovation ecosystem by exploring how additional elements, beyond government, universities, and industries, collaborate to support SME development, suggesting the inclusion of mass media to create a quadruple helix ecosystem.
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