The Relationship between Hexa Helix and Marketing Performance of Food Product SMEs for Souvenirs: The Mediating Effect of Product Innovation and Integrated Marketing
Purpose: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the Indonesian economy, yet their marketing performance remains low due to various interrelated causal factors. This study aims to explore the Hexa Helix as an independent variable that affects the marketing performance of SMEs producing food products for souvenirs, with product innovation and integrated marketing as mediating factors.
Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 448 respondents, who are owners and managers of SMEs in Malang Regency. Data were analysed using WarpPLS due to its flexibility in analysing mediating variables.
Findings: The results showed that the Hexa Helix significantly and positively affects the marketing performance of food SMEs for souvenirs.
Research Limitation/Implication: This study did not analyse the interactions between helices but looked at the six components as a whole. Future research can reveal the role of each actor and their interactions that determine the important role of the hexa helix. The implications for integrated marketing strategies for SMEs.
Originality/Value of paper: Previous studies placed the hexa helix or other helix as a moderating or mediating variable. This research places the hexa helix as an independent variable and proves that multi-stakeholders affect product innovation and integrated marketing in improving marketing performance.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Melany Melany, Peter Remy Yosy Pasla, Santi Widyaningrum, Stefanus Yufra Menahen Taneo, Sunday Noya, Aland Christian

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