An Application of TRIZ Inventive Approach in Development Strategy into Fourth-party Logistics

Trang Truong Diem Le (1), Felicita Chromjaková (2), Vang Dang Quang (3)
(1) Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czechia,
(2) , Czechia,
(3) , Viet Nam


Purpose: The study aims to affirm the application of TRIZ in logistics service and then develop innovative strategies for Vietnamese local logistics service providers (LSPs) to transform into fourth-party logistics (4PL) through TRIZ inventive methodology.

Methodology/Approach: The integration of Savransky’s methodology into TRIZ proposals enables to identify the core correlated dependencies of selected parameters. The analyses of the theoretical background and the application of the TRIZ matrix are comprehensively conducted to create innovation for three important attributes of 4PL.

Findings: The research results propose seven strategies through Savransky’s suggested steps from the analytical application of TRIZ. The established recommendations are categorised into short-term and long-term strategies and can be flexibly applied depending on the corporate growth process.

Research Limitation/implication: TRIZ approach was initially constructed for solving engineering problems. As a result, several inventive principles in the contradiction matrix were not entirely appropriate to the service area. In such cases, the authors can’t apply all suggested solutions from the contradiction matrix.

Originality/Value of paper: The study provides local LSPs in Vietnam with comprehensive strategies for improving their capabilities to meet the requirements of 4PLs’ power.

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Trang Truong Diem Le (Primary Contact)
Felicita Chromjaková
Vang Dang Quang
Le, T. T. D., Chromjaková, F., & Quang, V. D. (2024). An Application of TRIZ Inventive Approach in Development Strategy into Fourth-party Logistics. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 28(1), 47–66.

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