Entrepreneurial Orientation and Transformational Leadership for the Development of Innovation Capabilities

Mauricio Antonio Bedoya (1), Elkin Pérez-Sanchéz (2), Cesar Zapata-Molina (3), Hugo Baier-Fuentes (4), Blanca Hernandez-Sanchez (5)
(1) Technological of Antioquia University, Colombia,
(2) University of Medellin, Colombia,
(3) Technological of Antioquia University, Colombia,
(4) Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile,
(5) University of Medellin, Colombia


Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the impact of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) through the relationship of transformational leadership (TL) for the development of dynamic capabilities (DC) for organisational innovation.

Methodology/Approach: Under a qualitative method, and a single case study strategy, data were obtained from interviews with 15 senior managers and leaders of innovation activities; the document review and data triangulation method was used to analyse causality relations proposed in the theoretical framework.

Findings: The empirical results confirm that the EO and TL have a positive relationship with the development of innovation capabilities. Findings indicate that risk-taking, proactiveness, assimilation, and exploitation of internal and external knowledge remain the main difficulties in improving innovation capabilities and adaptability in the technological environment.

Research Limitation/implication: The present paper gathered data from a specific organisation in the field of EO. The research allowed us to better understand the incidence of EO, TL, and DC  regarding the relationship between variables, and it should be considered a potential source for enhancing innovation management capabilities.

Originality/Value of paper: This work is the first that integrates the concepts of EO with other related disciplines into a single case strategy, within a specific entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem context in a large automotive industry.

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Mauricio Antonio Bedoya
mauricio.bedoya96@tdea.edu.co (Primary Contact)
Elkin Pérez-Sanchéz
Cesar Zapata-Molina
Hugo Baier-Fuentes
Blanca Hernandez-Sanchez
Author Biographies

Elkin Pérez-Sanchéz, University of Medellin

School of Economics and Administrative Sciences, full-time professor

Cesar Zapata-Molina, Technological of Antioquia University

School of Administrative and Economics Sciences, full-time proffesor.

Hugo Baier-Fuentes, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

School of Economic and Administrative Sciences, full-time professor

Blanca Hernandez-Sanchez, University of Medellin

School of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Full-time professor

Bedoya, M. A., Pérez-Sanchéz, E., Zapata, C., Baier-Fuentes, H., & Hernandez-Sanchez, B. . (2024). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Transformational Leadership for the Development of Innovation Capabilities. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 28(1), 174–192. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v28i1.1895

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